Symptoms of Pancreatitis
Pain in the abdomen
Radiating pain in the lower back and/or chest
Pain worsens with eating
Relief in lying in fetal position
Nausea (Acute)
Vomiting (Acute)
Weight loss (Chronic)
Oily, smelly stools (Chronic)
Pancreas is responsible for producing insulin which regulates the sugar level in the body. All those who know what diabetes is would know the importance of insulin in the body (and hence the importance of pancreas). Pancreas also produces pancreatic juice which helps in the digestion of food. When abnormal growth of cells (malignant cells) occurs in the pancreas, it is called pancreatic cancer. Like other types of cancer, pancreatic cancer too is life threatening.
Cause of pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer is again one of those that happen to older people (generally those above the age of 60). Chronic pancreatitis, which is caused by consumption of large amount of alcohol, can act as a predecessor of pancreatic cancer. Some people tend to associate pancreatic cancer to genes and family history but there doesn’t seem any concrete evidence to suggest one or the other. Generally speaking, pancreatic cancer doesn’t seem to have a relationship to family history.
Pancreatitis is difficult to treat by conventional medicine. That is why using alternative medicine approaches for improving the function of pancreas is difficult to overestimate. Successful treatment of pancreatitis requires a team approach and alternative medicine can be very beneficial in this process.
After diagnosis of the chronic pancreatitis, focus on acid- alkaline balance is essential for pancreatic health. Acidity destroys pancreas in the many ways, diminishes digestion, activates digestive enzymes inside the pancreas and makes bile extremely aggressive. It can cause gas, bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation in people with chronic pancreatitis. Persons with chronic pancreatitis can normally restore proper alkalinity in the body by using alkaline-formed foods, drinking mineral water, prepared from genuine Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt, taking mineral supplements. European doctors have used the healing mineral waters successfully for people with chronic pancreatitis for hundred years.Nearly all of the pancreatic disorders are very complicated and many pancreatic troubles start and depend from liver and bile duct. Scientists know that all upper GI tract organs such as stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and duodenum work together as a very good team and failure in one organ causes the problems in whole system.
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