It is no longer a secret that averagely 15000 Nigerian women die of breast cancer every year. What are the causes and symptoms? Breast cancer is the cancerous tissue that develops in a woman’s breasts. It causes the breast tissue cells to become cancerous and multiply at an abnormally fast rate.Breast cancer is among the top cancer killer among women today. Most of us would know someone who has, or has had breast cancer, and with the ongoing media coverage of the condition, women are becoming increasingly aware of the condition.It is the most feared disease among women and yet most ladies actually do not know that much about it.
Due to early diagnosis of breast cancer, more women are today surviving breast cancer than ever before. Symptoms of breast cancer are hardly noticeable when it first develops but as the cancer grows, it can cause changes that women should watch for – the most common being the abnormal lump or swelling in the breast, amongt other symptoms.
The risk of getting breast cancer becomes higher as a person ages. Advanced breast cancer stages are commonly found in women fifty years old and above. About thirty percent of women who have breast cancer have a family history of breast, ovarian, uterine or ovarian cancer.
For proper treatment, it is necessary to know the different types of breast cancer one is suffering from. If you know someone who is having the ailment and has been having difficulties managing it, i have good news for you.
In AIM GLOBAL we have products that can cure the ailment namely C24/7 and RESTORELYF manufactured in Winsconsin USA by Nature’s Way a leading naturaceutical manufacturing company using nano-technology. The products can be delivered at your doorsteps anywhere in the world.
For more details please, lets chat on whatsapp +2348063815351 or +2348138017012.

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